Advertise with us



Photo credit: Victoria Whiting Photography

Listing Spotlight

Greatly increase the visibility of your brand with a temporary spotlight of your brand, that will place it front and centre on our directory on our homepage. This also includes another spotlight on the overarching pages for either suppliers or venues.

*Must already have an active directory listing to be eligible.

Instagram Advertising

We offer opportunities to advertise your wedding business through our Instagram account. These could take the form of Reels, Stories or Posts.

You can either supply us with content, or we can also custom-design content for you.

With our Instagram following reaching almost 7k followers, the large majority being engaged, our audience is a very specific group of people within Northern Ireland.

Sponsor our fair

The NI Wedding Fair is a great platform to get your name out there. With hundreds of attendees and dozens of suppliers at each event, the exposure can be great.

Throughout the run-up to the event, the day itself, and afterwards, we produce content and regularly market it through our social channels consisting of thousands of engaged couples.

Your logo will also be visible on marketing material.

It was a pleasure!
— Ballyscullion Park